Created date:2023-10-21

60% Sodium sulfide is widely used in the leather production process due to its versatile applications. It serves as a crucial agent in several stages of leather production.

Firstly, it acts as a reducing agent during the tanning process. As a reducing agent, it helps remove any residual chromium salts from the leather, ensuring a uniform color and preventing discoloration. This is essential for achieving the desired appearance and quality of the leather.

Secondly, sodium sulfide is used as a deliming agent. During the deliming process, it aids in the removal of hair and wool from animal hides. This is necessary to prepare the hides for further processing and prevent any undesirable elements from affecting the finished leather.

Furthermore, sodium sulfide contributes to the overall softness and flexibility of the leather. When used in appropriate quantities and under controlled conditions, it helps achieve the desired texture and feel of the leather, enhancing its usability and comfort.

It’s worth noting that the concentration and usage of 60% sodium sulfide should be carefully controlled to avoid any adverse effects on the leather. Proper handling and adherence to safety guidelines are essential to ensure the desired outcomes in the leather production process.

In summary60% industrial sodium sulfide plays a crucial role in leather production by acting as a reducing agent, deliming agent, and improving the softness and flexibility of the leather. Its appropriate use helps achieve high-quality, visually appealing, and comfortable leather products.

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